"ECOS: from formal specification to hardware/software partitioning" Abstract: We strongly believe that Co-Specification of Hw/Sw systems cannot be achieved without Co-Operation of Hw/Sw teams: this work is developed via a dialectical process between the Hw and the Sw teams of the LaMI. The paper presents a first approach of the use of OO algebraic specifications for Hw/Sw Co-Specification. Such a framework takes benefit of all the usual advantages of formal methods: reliability of proof technics, automatic treatment of the specification texts such as automatic test generation, consistency checks and completeness issues. Moreover the OO paradigm allows the building and the use of libraries, facilitates the reuse of already specified objects, authorizes stepwise refinements and guides implementation choices. We take benefit of the most recent developments in the field of software specification since OO algebraic specifications belong to the latest issues of the European ESPRIT project ISCORE. In addition, we are in the process of specifying the DLX RISC architecture using classical algebraic specifications with exception handling capabilities. Acknowledgements: This work is partially supported by France-Telecom and the French Ministry of research.