 * Created on Jan 29, 2004
 * To change the template for this generated file go to
 * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
package org.lucci.madhoc.env;
import java.util.Random;

import org.lucci.math.Utilities;

public abstract class MobilityMedium
    public static class Car extends MobilityMedium
        public Car(Random random)
            setMaximumSpeed(130 / 3.6);
            setSpeed(Utilities.getRandomBetween(10/3.6, getMaximumSpeed(), random));

        public String getName()
            return "Car";

    public static class Legs extends MobilityMedium
        public Legs(Random random)
            setMaximumSpeed(10 / 3.6);
            setSpeed(Utilities.getRandomBetween(3/3.6, getMaximumSpeed(), random));


        public String getName()
            return "Pedestrian";

    public static class Train extends MobilityMedium
        public Train(Random random)
            setMaximumSpeed(250 / 3.6);
            setSpeed(150 / 3.6);

        public String getName()
            return "Train";

    private double speed = 0;
    private double maximumSpeed = 0;
    private double angle;

    public double getSpeed()
        return speed;

    public void setSpeed(double i)
        if ( i < 0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        speed = i;

    public double getAngle()
        return angle;

    public void setAngle(double d)
        // ensure the angle is positive
        while (d < 0)
            d += 2 * Math.PI;
        // and not greater than 2pi
        this.angle = d % (2 * Math.PI);

    public double getMaximumSpeed()
        return maximumSpeed;

    public void setMaximumSpeed(double i)
        if ( i < 0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        maximumSpeed = i;

    public abstract String getName();