Related Publications


First (historical) publication

SyncCharts has been introduced in an invited paper presented at CESA'96, IEEE-SMC, Lille(F), July 9-12, 1996, entitled:"Representation and Analysis of Reactive Behaviors: A Synchronous Approach ", Charles André. (you can get the pdf file of the associated research report: tr96-28.pdf, 21 pages). [ get the abstract (pdf file) ]

Syntax and formal semantics

Syntax and semantics of SyncCharts are available as a research report entitled " SyncCharts: A Visual Representation of Reactive Behaviors" , Charles André (gziped postscript file:, 48 pages).

A more recent presentations

SynchCharts and the synchronous approach presented at a research school (Toulouse, September 2003) (in French, pdf, 154 k).

A similar version in English (pdf, 581 k) presented at "Synchronous Languages Applications and Programming", Porto (P), July 2003.


New reference on SyncCharts: a (big) rapport written for Esterel-Technologies, describing the semantics of SyncCharts WITHOUT mathematics, almost only pictures! (pdf 1152 k)

Some Applications of SyncCharts

How SyncCharts can be applied to complex control applications is illustrated in a paper entitled "SyncCharts : un modèle graphique synchrone pour systèmes réactifs complexes" written in French, (get the pdf file: rts98.pdf , 20 pages). [ get the abstract (pdf file) ]

Another example explains how SyncCharts allows high-level behavioral description of a circuit:
"Behavioral Specification of a Circuit using SyncCharts: a Case Study", Charles André & Marie-Agnès Peraldi-Frati (get the pdf file:RR-00-06.pdf , 9 pages). [ get the abstract (pdf file) ]