
Java Implementation of Frequent Closed Itemsets Extraction


Implementation of the JClose algorithm for mining equivalence classes and informative bases of association rules. This software, distibuted as an executable JAR file running in command line, generates the Informative Basis for association rules given user-specified minconfidence and minsupport thresholds.

Generators and frequent closed itemsets are first extracted according to the minsupport threshold (defining minimal frequency for frequent itemsets in the data). Then, the equivalence classes and the Informative Basis for association rules are generated from them using the minconfidence threshold (defining the minimal precision of association rules).


Generating a condensed representation for association rules, Nicolas Pasquier, Rafik Taouil, Yves Bastide, Gerd Stumme and Lotfi Lakhal, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 24:1(29-60), 2005.

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Mining association rule bases from integrated genomic data and annotations, Ricardo Martinez, Nicolas Pasquier and Claude Pasquier, in: Proceedings of the CIBB international conference on Computational Intelligence methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, Salerno, Italy, 2008.

GenMiner: Mining informative association rules from integrated gene expression data and annotations, Ricardo Martinez, Nicolas Pasquier and Claude Pasquier, Bioinformatics, Oxford University Press, September, 2008.

GenMiner: Mining informative association rules from genomic data, Ricardo Martinez, Claude Pasquier and Nicolas Pasquier, Proceedings of the IEEE BIBM international conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedecine, pages 15-22, IEEE Computer Society, 2007.