Task 5

I3S & JKU :

Task that runs through the entire project in parallel with the scientific work-packages, is dedicated to the definition of a set of case-studies that will serve as validation test-beds. Its goal is to apply the algorithms developed in Task 4 to a set of real-case problems and compare the resulting designs to those of state-of-the-art methods, not only in terms of efficiency but also of their optimality (this is indicated by the white arrow in the diagram above, that reminds that C(R) is the performance with respect to which the different designs will be confronted).


This Task relies on a number of external collaborators of the project, in scientific/environmental and industrial fields, which will provide both domain knowledge and relevant datasets. The code of all validated algorithms will be made available as open source code to the interested communities of end-users.


Besides these 5 Tasks, Task 0 is dedicated to the management of the project, and will run for all its duration.