
Find below a list of past and present research subjects that I am interested in and the students I supervise or I
have supervised in each subject.
  • Experiment Design
Experiment design for complex system simulation
Experiment design for source extraction and separation
Student: Elyes Ouerghi (M1 intern 2018, 4 months) - joint supervision with M. J. Rendas and L. Pronzato
  • Tensor Decompositions
Constrained tensor decompositions and applications
Joint tensor decomposition models using flexible couplings
Time series modeling using tensor decompositions

Students: Fangqing Xiao (M1 intern 2021, 2 months) - joint supervision with Prof. Vicente Zarzoso
      Shengwei Chen (M1 intern 2018, 2 months)
  • Quantization
Algorithms and performance analysis for estimation based on quantized measuraments
Analysis of quantization effects on machine learning algorithms performance

Students: Diana Resmerita (PhD Thesis, CIFRE, 2018 - ) - joint supervision with Prof. Lionel Fillatre and Benoit de Dinechin (Kalray)
       Aziz Chebil (M1 intern 2021, 2 months)