Teaching activities


direct links

Student supervision
Other Responsibilities and participation to committees
International Relationships

A summary of my pedagogical activities in french



Currently at the Faculty of Sciences:

In the past at the I.U.T and CNAM:

Mains courses I had been responsible of :

Student Supervision



Here is a summary (in french) of the supervision of project and internship of students made in the framework of their studies (ESSI, Faculty of sciences, etc.).

Internships (except DEA and Master) :

Master Project - in french "Travaux d'Étude et de Recherche" (TER) :

Other Projects :

Educational Responsibilities


At the Faculty of Sciences:

In the past at the I.U.T :

Other Responsibilities and participation to committees


At the Faculty of Sciences:

In the past at the I.U.T :

International Relationships



For several years, I am involved in the international relationships for University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS) :

Site of UNSA
Site of I3S Laboratory
Site of UFR Sciences
Site of Computer Science department  (UFR Sciences)
Site of CNRS
Author: Philippe Lahire (version 1.0)

Last update: 11-Nov-2016 6:29 PM