Laboratory of Computer Science, Signals and Systems of Sophia Antipolis

The Computer Science, Signals and Systems laboratory of Sophia Antipolis (i3S), created in 1989, is the result of the merger of two laboratories, the Lassy and the Lisan, and federates research in information and communication sciences. With nearly 300 people, teacher-researchers, CNRS and Inria researchers, administrative and technical staff, doctoral students and trainees, it is one of the largest public laboratories on the Côte d'Azur and was one of the first to be established in the Sophia Antipolis technology park.

In partnership with the CNRS and Inria, and through numerous industrial collaborations, we work on innovative research topics at the cutting edge of science and technology: ubiquitous systems and networks, digital biology and health, modeling for the environment, interactions and uses.

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News from the laboratory

IFIP-IoT 24 : 7th IFIP International Internet of Things (IoT) Conference

IFIP-IoT 24 : 7th IFIP International Internet of Things (IoT) Conference, Nice, France, November…

Exposé de Anatoly Khina

Anatoly Khina , Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering Tel Aviv University…

Learning and Optimization in Côte d'Azur 2024

The Learning and Optimization in Côte d'Azur 2024 workshop and minicourse, scheduled to take place…

Soutenance de thèse de Maroua Tikat

Maroua Tikat défendra sa thèse de doctorat le mercredi 18 septembre 2024 à 9h30 dans l'amphi FORUM…

Exposé de Frederik Mallmann-Treen

Frederik Mallmann-Treen , Senior lecturer in the department of informatics, King's College London…

Soutenance de thèse de Xavier Pic

Xavier Pic défendra sa thèse de doctorat le jeudi 12 Septembre 2024 à 10h30 dans la salle 007 du…

Julie Tores lauréate d'un Highlight award à la conférence CVPR 2024

Dans le cadre de la prestigieuse conférence en intelligence artificielle pour la vision par…

All the news