Scientific Diffusion
Latest software
Nicolas Robert, Fabien Gandon, Maxime Lefrançois
OLIVAW, Ontology Long-lived Integration Via Acimov Workflow, is a python framework for supporting a…
ISSA Pipeline
Anna Bobasheva, Franck Michel, Andon Tchechmedjiev, Anne Toulet
The ISSA pipeline was developed by the ISSA project ( . It orchestrates the…
SENSAAS (Shape-based alignment of molecules using 3D point-based representation)
Dominique Douguet, Frédéric Payan
SENSAAS is a shape-based alignment software which allows to superimpose molecules. It is based on t…
VariCity: Visualization of Object-Oriented Variability Implementations as Cities
Johann Mortara, Philippe Collet, Anne-Marie Dery-Pinna
Many large software systems are variability-rich, object-oriented, and implemented in a single code…
Symfinder: Identifying and visualizing variability implementations in variability-rich Java systems
Johann Mortara, Philippe Collet, Xhevahire Tërnava
In many variability-intensive systems, variability is implemented in code units provided by a host…
AMINE (A network embedding approach to identify active modules in biological interaction networks)
Claude Pasquier, Vincent Guerlais, Denis Pallez
The identification of condition-specific gene sets from transcriptomic experiments is important to re…
Rémi Cérès, Olivier Corby, Erwan Demairy, Fabien Gandon
Corese is a software platform that implements and extends the standards of the Semantic Web establi…
Louis Ohl, Pierre-Alexandre Mattei, Frédéric Precioso
The GemClus package provides simple tools to perform discriminative clustering using the generalise…
Packet Routing Simulator for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (PRISMA) (Version v0.1)
Redha A. Alliche, Tiago da Silva Barros, Ramon Aparicio-Pardo, Lucile Sassatelli
PRISMA (Packet Routing Simulator for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning) is a network simulation pl…
Model-Based Co-Clustering of Functional Data
Charles Bouveyron, Julien Jacques, Amandine Schmutz
The funLBM algorithm allows to simultaneously cluster the rows and the columns of a data matrix whe…
FADAlib: an open source C++ library for fuzzy array dataflow analysis
Marouane Belaoucha, Christophe Alias, Denis Barthou, Sid Touati
Ubiquitous multicore architectures require that many levels of parallelism have to be found in code…
A C-library for Register Saturation Computation
Sébastien Briais, Sid Touati
This sofware provides a C implementation of the following article: Sid Touati. Register Saturation…